A&T Homecoming 2005...

A&T lost ANOTHER Homecoming Game!
If you're going to lost any game, DON'T LOSE YOUR HOMECOMING GAME! This is why I haven't been to a Homecoming Game in years. Add to the fact that the ticket prices were OUTRAGEOUS and the second-highest in the division that A&T plays in and you have the first A&T Homecoming Game that doesn't sell out (It was 4,000 tickets short of selling out.).
Even though I had to work, I still had a good time w/ all of the festivities going on around town, though I have to say that I liked the old setup better where everyone was scattered around the outskirts of Aggie Stadium selling food and whatnot. It wasn't the same like the "ol' days," but very few things are.
Downtown was PACKED! The cops actually had to shut down most of the side streets downtown because there was so much traffic in cars and people. No shootouts (Some ignorant people ALWAY say that Black folk can't go anywhere w/o shooting something.) or any other violent acts occured, though they don't normally do during A&T Homecoming. It was nothing but love as always, except for the loss to Delaware State.

A&T lost ANOTHER Homecoming Game!
If you're going to lost any game, DON'T LOSE YOUR HOMECOMING GAME! This is why I haven't been to a Homecoming Game in years. Add to the fact that the ticket prices were OUTRAGEOUS and the second-highest in the division that A&T plays in and you have the first A&T Homecoming Game that doesn't sell out (It was 4,000 tickets short of selling out.).
Even though I had to work, I still had a good time w/ all of the festivities going on around town, though I have to say that I liked the old setup better where everyone was scattered around the outskirts of Aggie Stadium selling food and whatnot. It wasn't the same like the "ol' days," but very few things are.
Downtown was PACKED! The cops actually had to shut down most of the side streets downtown because there was so much traffic in cars and people. No shootouts (Some ignorant people ALWAY say that Black folk can't go anywhere w/o shooting something.) or any other violent acts occured, though they don't normally do during A&T Homecoming. It was nothing but love as always, except for the loss to Delaware State.
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