Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Maaaaan, somebody's going to HELL!

There are people RIGHT NOW that are making a KILLING off this hurricane tragedy. I'm not a flame-throwing, bible-thumper by any means, but...


Gas prices have jumped up because people are saying that America has either 10 weeks of gasoline left or 10 DAYS of it left. I don't know if it's true or not, but if it is, THE SH*T'S GONNA THE FAN! Also, oil prices are reaching an unheard of level as well, hitting close to $70.00 A BARREL! Hell, some people are saying that Greensboro, NC may run out of gas by the end of the week!

Here's a blog from The Greensboro New & Record (by Mark Binker) on what Gov. Mike Easley has to say about gas prices:

Also keep in mind that it's "Labor Day Weekend."

Rumors abound!

Sewage and dead bodies IN THE WATER are causing health hazards in "The Big Easy," but GASOLINE is what's on everyone's mind.

IMHO, there are people that KNOW we have enough gas on reserve, even though the "Gulf Region" hit is a MAJOR source of gasoline. They knew that Hurricane Katrina was coming, so I'm sure that they thought of contingency plans in case this would happen. Even with the damage, gas prices jumped to an unprecedented level, reaching over $6.00 PER GALLON IN ATLANTA! $6.07 to be exact! Hell, prices are over $3.00 in Greensboro ALONE!

"This was the price of gas today at 5 o'clock at the Sheetz station on Swing Road in Greensboro. I (meaning TVPhotoblog:, courtesy of captured this image during the price change. The price jumped from $2.99 to $3.29."

I'm not against people making their money, but DAMN!!!


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