Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Some people can never let go of the past...

Mrs. Rosa Parks (RIP)

I ran upon this article about a "Rosa Parks" bill. Thought I'd post it here. It seems that in Montgomery, Alabama, some people can never let go of the past.

Read the entire article below, courtesy of The Montgomery Advertiser in Alabama.

Here's the original link to the story: http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060417/NEWS/60417008


Senate passes Rosa Parks pardon bill
By John Davis
Montgomery Advertiser

Sen. Larry Dixon, R-Montgomery, was one of three senators to show late opposition to the Rosa Parks Act. “We’ve just given carte blanche for people that committed crimes at the time,” he said, after the Senate passed the bill to compel state and local governments to pardon people convicted of breaking segregation laws.

No votes from Dixon, Minority Leader Jabo Waggoner, R-Birmingham, and Sen. Del Marsh, R-Anniston, are the only ones on the bill so far. “I know it’s going to be interpreted as a racial thing,” said Dixon, who is white.

The Montgomery senator said he supports wiping records clean for people who got arrested fighting for civil rights, but worries that the Rosa Parks Act is too broad, with little room to deny a pardon.The bill now needs House agreement to Senate changes before it can go to Gov. Bob Riley.

Under the measure, people who want pardons will have to apply for them to the municipality that arrested them. In cases where family members want a pardon for a dead activist, someone recognized as a legal representative can apply for the pardon.


Thanks for fighting for me, Rosa Parks...

Some more RACISTS BASTARDS get acquitted...

Here we go again...

Now tell me, what if this were you?

That's what I thought.

Read more about it below, courtesy of Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Here's the original link: http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=416448


Leaders call for calm, change in aftermath of Jude verdict
Ministers want independent review of police misconduct

By MEG JONESmjones@journalsentinel.com
Posted: April 16, 2006

Still reeling from the acquittals of three former Milwaukee police officers charged with beating Frank Jude Jr. at a party, community leaders on Sunday called for new legislation, protests and an independent

A group of several dozen African-American ministers took time out from Easter celebrations to call on legislators to pass a law requiring that any law enforcement officer who sees another officer commit a crime and doesn't report it be fired.

At a meeting that drew more than 500 people, ministers also asked for an independent investigator to check allegations of police misconduct in the aftermath of the beating case.
"There is never any reason why the people we pay to protect our community . . . (should) feel like they have the right to kick and pull knives on you," Milwaukee Bishop Sedgwick Daniels told the crowd Sunday night at Mother Kathryn Daniels Conference Center, 3500 W. Mother Daniels Way. "We will not be silenced."

As the news that an all-white jury late Friday acquitted three white police officers in the brutal beating of Jude, who is biracial, spread throughout the community over the weekend, religious leaders discussed what should be done, and two groups planned a series of protests for this week:

• The Milwaukee Police Accountability Coalition scheduled a news conference for 10 a.m. today outside the Milwaukee County Courthouse near the Mahatma Gandhi statue.
The group wants the city to create a civilian review board composed of elected members who would review complaints against police officers. The Police Department's Internal Affairs Division and the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission now investigate complaints.

• Another group, Campaign Against Violence, is planning a march at 10 a.m. Tuesday from the Milwaukee County Courthouse to the Federal Courthouse, 517 E. Wisconsin Ave. The group said it hoped to attract 100,000 marchers.

• Daniels also said the ministers are planning a motorcade from Mayfair Mall to the Federal Courthouse to protest the acquittals. The clergy will meet today to determine when the motorcade will start.

Aside from the large gathering of African-American religious leaders, the Jude case was discussed at other religious observances, along with appeals for calm.

The Rev. Mark Thompson, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, gathered two dozen parishioners for a prayer vigil outside the 7th District police station on W. Fond du Lac Ave. Next Sunday, the group plans to gather outside the 1st District station on W. State St.

Standing on the sidewalk, a few blocks from his church, Thompson urged the group to pray "that the silence that has been deafening will come out," and to pray for justice in Jude's case. Silence, Thompson said, was a reference to the police officers who had attended the party at which Jude was beaten and later testified that they saw no one kick or punch him.

Sunday service at park
At an Easter service in the McGovern Park Senior Center, Rachel Jordan told members of the Isom Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church to pray for God's help in protecting a struggling community.

At the start of the service, Jordan said, "The city of Milwaukee is in trouble, Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus, heal this community."

Bishop Daniels told the crowd Sunday night that it should stay calm but ask for change in the Milwaukee Police Department. Among the changes - a law that would strip benefits and pensions for police officers who don't snitch on colleagues who commit crimes as well as an independent investigator of alleged police misdeeds.

"This is not Birmingham, Alabama. We're not getting ready to go down Martin Luther King Boulevard and destroy our own buildings," said Daniels, of Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ.

McCann: Whites question verdict
District Attorney E. Michael McCann and Mayor Tom Barrett both addressed the crowd at the request of the religious leaders. In a soft voice, McCann said many white people asked him how the jury could acquit the officers.
"This isn't an issue that black people saw differently from white people," said McCann, calling the outcome a "mockery of justice."

McCann, who is meeting with U.S. Attorney Steven Biskupic today to discuss the possibility of federal charges against the ex-officers, said the Police Department must change from within so officers will not be ostracized if they speak out against their colleagues.
"There cannot be two standards: one for citizens who use too much force and one for officers who use too much force," McCann said.

While praising Police Chief Nannette Hegerty for firing several officers involved in the Jude beating, Barrett said he was shocked by the acquittal, and said it's time the state law that allows fired cops to continue to receive paychecks while appealing their dismissal is changed.
"There are many that feel that justice died on Friday in Milwaukee. But it's not over yet. We must persevere," Barrett said.

Tom Held and Lawrence Sussman of the Journal Sentinel staff contributed to this report.



Immigration & Racism....


In recent days, there have been protests over a law (Which didn't pass. Read about it here: http://www.infowars.com/articles/immigration/gop_leaders_drop_felony_for_immigrants.htm ) that would've basically made anyone who's an illegal immigrant a FELON.

Now my thing is this: Do I think that Illegal Immigrants should be put in the same category as Arson, Murder, and Rape? (Read about the definition of felony here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony)


Now, do I think that they should get a "free pass" and granted "instant rights" like other American citizens?


I know what you're gonna say: Damn Ken, WHY?

Well, maybe because I look at it like this: Anyone that comes into this country, no matter who they are or where they come from, should do it through the proper channels. If you need Amnesty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesty), then go about it the right way. If you need to come here for a better life, then go through the proper channels so you can be properly served.

Also, there's an undercurrent of racism, ON BOTH SIDES.

Basically, this is a law against Mexicans, and other Latinos. America is becoming more "BROWN," and that makes some people real nervous. You also have a development where racist KKK-like Mexican groups are using this to stir up support for their various organizations and causes. Read more about these groups here: http://prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/290306_b_Marchers.htm

I can easily see this becoming a test for the new "Anti-Terrorism" laws that are now in place. I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to camps, like the ones that Japanese citizens in Cali went through during WW II. Read more about that here: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/300306raceriots.htm

The measure was defeated for now, but a up surge of anti-immigration sentiment has surfaced, with people down at the Border States, like Texas, burning Mexico's flag.

This does not bode well for America...

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me-e-E-E-E-E...

Yep, 37 years young today.

And I gotta say that I'm glad. There are a few people that I knew that didn't make it to this age (For various reasons.), so I'm real happy that I'm able to celebrate it. I didn't celebrate my last couple of Birthdays because I didn't want to be reminded of it.

I even worked on my last Birthday, something that I haven't done in over 10 years!


But this year, IT'S PARTY TIME!! INothing big or extravagant, just a few friends and such. I already bought the liquor and now all I have to do is get the food for the cook-out.