Thursday, June 22, 2006

My show's new time...

'Sup, y'all.

I wanted everyone to know (At least anyone who lives in Greensboro, NC and/or Guilford County) that my TV show, "MY OPINION... by: Ken B.", will now air (Starting Tuesday, 7/4/06) every Tuesday night @ 8:30 PM on Cable Channel 8.

Because of GCTV's new (and bullsh*t) policy, my show has essentially been cut in 1/2 and has been reduced to a half-hour show instead of the regular hour-long show (My show was one of the few hour-long shows @ GCTV.) it used to be.

Even at 1/2 power, it's still the show to watch!!

Lack of posts...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, peeps.

I had alittle health scare (Nothing serious, Thank GOD!) so I've been busy dealing with that and taking these damn antibiotics everyday while still going to work and payin' the bills.

I'll have some m ore stuff up soon.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

!st New Blog Entry in Almost 3 Weeks?


It's been too freakin' long!

I've been busy as Hell getting stuff straightened out the past few weeks.

You knw, regular stuff like Bills, Rent, Bills, Life...

I did say Bills, didn't I?

More stuff coming up in a bit.