Wednesday, July 27, 2011

6 years of "The House of Xanadu"!


I didn't realize that it has been 6 YEARS (7/23/05) since I've started this blog!

ALOT of thing s have happened since then, to me, and to the country:

1) The Great Recession, 'nuff said...

2) People woke up about Dubya Bush, FINALLY!!

3) A Black President (Well, actually BI-RACIAL as in half-Black and HALF-WHITE, but don't tell the conservatives and bigots that!)...

4) The Tea-Baggers. uh, I mean The Tea Party...

5) Sarah Palin. The less said, the better...

6) The Beginning of "Conservative Backlash" against a Black president...

7) The End of The Space Shuttle...

8) The Rise of Michele "Crazy B*&^%" Bachmann...

9) The Fall of John "Baby Daddy" Edwards...

10) The Rise of Cynisim...

11) The Fall of Hope...

12) Flash Mobs & "Mob Wives" on TV...

13) Cyberbullying...

14) Too many kids killing themselves...

15) Too many thing to list here in this blog...

I haven't been blogging as much lately with LIFE getting in the way and all, but I'll try to be here more often.


Friday, July 08, 2011

Still here...

It's been THIS LONG since I last put up a post!

I'm still here, but my computer has been giving me problems and I've been working non-stop for awhile now. When I have the time, I'll post something new.

I have ALOT to say about the things going on in Greensboro as well as the world lately.