6 years of "The House of Xanadu"!
I didn't realize that it has been 6 YEARS (7/23/05) since I've started this blog!
ALOT of thing s have happened since then, to me, and to the country:
1) The Great Recession, 'nuff said...
2) People woke up about Dubya Bush, FINALLY!!
3) A Black President (Well, actually BI-RACIAL as in half-Black and HALF-WHITE, but don't tell the conservatives and bigots that!)...
4) The Tea-Baggers. uh, I mean The Tea Party...
5) Sarah Palin. The less said, the better...
6) The Beginning of "Conservative Backlash" against a Black president...
7) The End of The Space Shuttle...
8) The Rise of Michele "Crazy B*&^%" Bachmann...
9) The Fall of John "Baby Daddy" Edwards...
10) The Rise of Cynisim...
11) The Fall of Hope...
12) Flash Mobs & "Mob Wives" on TV...
13) Cyberbullying...
14) Too many kids killing themselves...
15) Too many thing to list here in this blog...
I haven't been blogging as much lately with LIFE getting in the way and all, but I'll try to be here more often.
I didn't realize that it has been 6 YEARS (7/23/05) since I've started this blog!
ALOT of thing s have happened since then, to me, and to the country:
1) The Great Recession, 'nuff said...
2) People woke up about Dubya Bush, FINALLY!!
3) A Black President (Well, actually BI-RACIAL as in half-Black and HALF-WHITE, but don't tell the conservatives and bigots that!)...
4) The Tea-Baggers. uh, I mean The Tea Party...
5) Sarah Palin. The less said, the better...
6) The Beginning of "Conservative Backlash" against a Black president...
7) The End of The Space Shuttle...
8) The Rise of Michele "Crazy B*&^%" Bachmann...
9) The Fall of John "Baby Daddy" Edwards...
10) The Rise of Cynisim...
11) The Fall of Hope...
12) Flash Mobs & "Mob Wives" on TV...
13) Cyberbullying...
14) Too many kids killing themselves...
15) Too many thing to list here in this blog...
I haven't been blogging as much lately with LIFE getting in the way and all, but I'll try to be here more often.